1 I am building 5 hangers at CYEE we are looking at the most economical door system. If the price is in the ball park I will contact you. Thanks.
2 Will you be pricing the Hydraulic door assembly for "Building 450 -Hangar Door Replacement" at the Orlando Sanford International Airport. This general aviation hangar door will need to have a remote opener, windows and a walk door.
3 I plan to built a 30' long, 36' wide, 10' high wall hangar for my aircraft. I need a 36'x10' hydraulic general aviation hangar door. Can you built a door this size?
4 Looking for a quote and spec sheet on a 60' wide Schweiss general aviation hangar door with all the Schweiss Door bells and whistles.
5 Good morning It has been a few years and a couple employers ago since I sold your Schweiss
6 I am a general contractor in Northern New Jersey. I am interested in locating a dealer/installer for (3) insulated full glass with divided light hydraulic general aviation hangar doors in a new structure to be built on a aircraft museum. I will need (2) 80'-0"x 18'-0" and (1) 12'-0" x 8'-0" please have someone contact me via email, cell phone, or office at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Michael McCue
7 We are building a 60x60 general aviation hangar attached to an airpark home in Cottonwood, CA. We require at least a 15' hydraulic door clearance for our TBM aircraft and at least a 50' width for the door. We plan for the structure to be ready for the door by mid-summer. Can you provide a budget cost for the a hydraulic door vs a bi-fold door (we're inclined to the hydraulic door), the approximate shipping cost and a referral for installation that my design and construction team can consult with? Thank you.
8 need self locking with remote control for my new 75'x60'general aviation hangar doors we're designing now. thanks! Jason