Hangar Home Doors

1 Hello, We bought a home on an airpark in California and our door needs to be changed. We currently have twin classic roll up garage doors with a center removeable rail. The home and hanger are wood frame with a hipped roof and glulam beam. We are looking for quotes.

2 Hi, I wanted to inquire about a quote for my hanger home door. please feel free to email me back! Thank you

3 I build quality custom airpark homes. Hanger has concrete columns on side with 4 ply truss over top. Truss button cord is 2 by 12. I have been using hifold door company for my doors. Looking for a better quality door for this job. Not sure if I should go with bifold or hydraulic. HOA requires I make the door to match the house, more weight on the door

4 Hello, I currently have a rental hangar in Ocala, FL and I am looking to build my own hangar home. I'm interested in the hydraulic hangar door but would like to discuss hangar door options with the bifold.

5 I need a quote on a hydraulic and on a bifold hangar home door. Besides giving you size requirements, what else will you need. This door will go on an old wooden building, so I'll also need pricing on a freestanding header.

6 I'm looking for a price on a bi-fold door, std non hydraulic, for a home hangar project next spring. The opening is 38 ft w by 13 Ft h. Include deliverty to Donnelly Airport, New Jersey. The building is concrete block with wood trusses. I intend to triple the trusses at the front for door support. Thanks.

7 I am building a hanger/home this spring. I will need a 40' by 12' Schweiss hangar home door with three possible windows and a walk through door. The door needs to be insulated. I need to know your specifications for the door frame and whether you arrange to install the door yourself.  I would like the door opening to be 12' clear.

8 Good morning. My son and I are building a hanger home in Homestead Florida. Looking to get a quote on a bifold strap door 40x13. Peak Steel is building to hanger and has designed it for a door of this size. Let me know what you need in order to do a quote. Thanks Mike

9 Building a hangared home and looking for what sizes of hydraulic doors are standard as we design our home and pricing for budgeting purposes. Please use email to contact me. Approximate hangar size 45x40.

10 My wife and I are building a hangar home in Tailwinds Airpark located in Jupiter, Florida. We will be needing a hangar door in about 3 to 4 months. I met (by coincidence) Mike Schweiss at a convention May 20, 2016 in Clearwater Beach..... he was at the hotel that my brothers wedding was being held the next day. He told me to contact you for complete pricing and details on a designer hydraulic door. Please call because I have a few questions pertaining to costs, shipping and installation as this is all new to us. BTW, Our hangar is a 12" concrete block building poured solid. Thanks so much!

11 Hello, I am interested in a lightweight one-piece hydraulic hangar home door at my residential  home; a translucent panel might work. Do you have a rep near me in Austin, TX? Can you provide framing requirements and details? Thanks, Vince